Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Old tools review : Light Zeppelin - BakeNaut Control Panel

An example of an artist-friendly tools.
I really cannot understand why after 02 I wrote 06.

Old tools review : Light Zeppelin AE Templetes

This is AE Templetes with dummy banners. Really bad color scheme.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Old tools review : Render Control

This is UI and pipeline scripts was writen for "Frogs Paradise" 3D animation feature.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Desert Drought Ground Shader

This is procedural renderman contained displacement and surface methods. Main pattern was formed by Voronoy algorithm. Surface method is very simple - it have the minor mutation of colors and fake shadowing in cracks.  

Several month ago I wrote simple MAYA plug-in for converting data from MAYA PaintFX to renderman poinclouds. Generated pointclouds lightweight in contrast to ordinary baked ptc. In result point based occlusion don't physically corrected but plausible for long shots and very fast in rendering.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Production Video Editor

 This is the special tool for manage production, vewing and simple editing of sequences.
It is part of the total animation production management system "Atmosphere" that I develop with Andrew Chernysh . It's coded on PyQT. Work in progress.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tricks with standart input/output and the renderman shader compiler

Did you know that renderman shader compiler support the standart unix pipe?
I am looking for a way to rapidly develop co-shaders containing helpers data.
And I found a way that suits me.

in bash command line:

echo 'class test(float kd=0.7; float ks=0.1; color diffuse = color(1,0,0)){}' | shader -o /myProj/myShader.slo

echo 'class test(){ struct _data {varying float kd=0.7; varying float ks=0.1; varying color diffuse = color(1,0,0);}}' | shader -o /myProj/myShader.slo

in Maya mel:

system("echo 'class test(float kd=0.7; float ks=0.1; color diffuse = color(1,0,0)){}' | shader -o /myProj/myShader.slo");


string $HelperContent = "'class test(float kd=0.7; float ks=0.1; color diffuse = color(1,0,0)){}'";
string $ShaderObject = "/myProj/myShader.slo";

system("echo "+$HelperContent+"|shader -o "+$ShaderObject);

in Maya python:

import os
os.system("echo 'class test(float kd=0.7; float ks=0.1; color diffuse = color(1,0,0)){}' | shader -o /myProj/myShader.slo")